Friday, October 8, 2010

Moist Steamed Chocolate Cake

I can't believe I have not done any post on this cake. Really, can't believe. This is one of the superb easy bakes. Easy and Yummy!

About a year ago, I met one of my cousin in a supermarket while buying some baking stuff. Then she told be about a simple chocolate cake that was yummy and oh-so-easy to bake. She said she will e-mail the recipe to me. Unfortunately, I reckon due to her busy schedule, the recipe never reached me.

So, not wanting to wait too long and with the beauty of the www., I googled "steamed chocolate cake" and a few came out. I tried one, and it was terrible. Took a long break and tried another. Nope, tasted fake. As I brace myself for yet another failure, I decided to give this a try. And yes, I finally found THE one. It's really really simple - with no need of the mixer and it's really really good - on it's own, or with the ganache. There's several version of the ganache, so simply try and pick which ones you like best. Most will go with melted chocolate + butter. I love this as it's a steamed version and the tecture is light and spongy. The texture enables it to absorbs the ganache really well.

I've made this a few times - for home, for gatherings, for the office, for orders (thanks Steph!) and the latest one was for a colleagues birthday. All with success I believe :) Once, I baked it for a farewell party at home and a girl (yes, 21 is still considered "girl") literally licked the container clean. Yes, it's THAT good.

Noel loves this cake, but I've not baked it for home for a long time now, since I'm hooked with buns at the moment. I guess, I'll have to wait for a "Mummy, can you bake me chocolate cake?" request to come before baking this for home.


  1. yummy! berair my mulut nampak ni. double yummies

  2. Thanks Pong. Nanti you come here I bake one k :)

  3. slurrrppppp...can't go to bed brain keeps on projecting the image of that yummy slurrppy chocolate cake..yum yummm ...oh no..restart...owh noooo..still cannot get rid of the image...

  4. Aduii..terus aku mo makan..!! mana lah mo cari ini barang tengah mlm ni...isk...

  5. hehehe.. sabar ya kengkawang... nanti when u guys come I bake one sedia waiting :)

  6. really? shud we have this? fruit cake for me november dy? (*pleading eyes) please? or BUN! or butter COOKIES! or... astaga..

  7. Hey Gallivanter - thanks for dropping by :) Gee... didn't know that choc is a man's Achilles heel as well! Awesome info :)

    Togs - name it, u guys will get it ;)... fruit cake is planned to be in Noel's bday cake combo, bun for bfast, butter cookies for supper?

  8. yay! me so gila with fruit cakes now. seeeeeeeeeeeedap sangat! thanks in advance!
