Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Double Roti Part II (double portion too!)

Great great day peeps!!!!

Continuation from yesterday... Today's sandwich is the humble Egg Mayo sandwich... There's many variety and since kids we have made a different kind, but back in uni days, I stumbled accross this yummy version and stopped making other types since then. It was during a overnight prayer gathering when I first sank my teeth into this beauty. Searched around for the person who made it - lo and behold - it was my pastor's wife!! Hurray! Learnt how to make it and today I'm sharing it with you.

So here goes...

You will need:

First, egg - boil, peel, mash. Then put a great big dallop of mayo followed by the secret ingredient - salt. I found out that salt is really magical. It brings out the flavor of the mayo really well making it taste rich and creamy (a.k.a. lemak). For the mayo, if there is any choice at all, please go for Lady's Choice. The rest are rather sourish. Mix well.

Next, put a great big spoonful (more like 2 spoonfuls!) on your bread. This is another tip I got from the pastor's wife - DO NOT BE FRUGAL when it comes to how much you put between the slices - it's THE factor that determines if the sandwich will turn out yumm. Then, put in some veg (optional) and sandwich them together.

Here you have it... Egg Mayo Sandwich

Now... because I often make this in bulk (more that 2 loaves at one time), I normally get sick of the smell and thus, not able to enjoy the sandwich. The same goes for today - made 2 loaves for officemates in respond to a colleague's request (thanks bro for the ingredient sponsorship!). So, for today's lunch, I decided to make another type of sandwich for myself - SPAM and fried egg sandwich (oopppsss, sorry, non halal)

We do not normally buy spam (a.k.a. luncheon meat) anymore these days since it's hard to get a good one. That, along with some concern over China food plus those USA ones being ridiculously priced makes this a rare item in our household. But, surprisingly, my brother bought this last nite, so this morning, I took the chance to make use of it! Hehe.

Here goes...

Pan fry slice of spam till nice and brown (and cripsy on the outside). Do not use oil - just use non stick pan. Take out, put on paper towels to drain the excess oil.

Then, beat 1 egg & fry (no salt needed - the spam itself is salty enough).

Then, assemble - bread (with that waterproof layer) + veg + spam + mayo + egg + bread (you should stop here but I went an extra layer! hehe) + veg + spam + mayo + bread.

Here you have it... Spam and Fried Egg Sandwich.

Now, now, before you judge me for being in the likeness of my food (spam = pig), it is my duty to inform you, that I quartered the sandwich - 1/4 for breakfast, 1/2 for lunch and the last 1/4 for tea. Hehe... don't hate, don't hate!

Have a superb MID WEEK mates!!!


  1. wat the make me salivate part 2...ayo...!! i wantttttttttt..!!
    i was like huh so much egg..then oooo u making for office..phew...!!

  2. hehehe... yeah... made for the whole office... woke up at 4.30... yikes... nasib sik tertidur in the sandwich mix ;) (but I am sleepy now dah..)

    I hope I can keep up the "sandwich diet" (and sandwich diary!) hiakhiak!

  3. di kala tired buat kerja, if can stop kejap and eat like this for tea break kan best.

    steady la u geng, boleh supply food for the whole office. u shud ask them to allocate budget for food. then u just prepare ja kan for everybody hehehhe.

  4. dawn..rajin sungguh ko masak ;p

  5. juvi...juvi..sudah kasi tau ko ini bukan blog si dy...!! salah channel sudah ko tu...!!tapi tiapa kita berkawan2 juga hehehe

  6. Hehehe...:)

    Merl - yeah, best can have a food break in ofc... time for you to bake ur cheesecake for your mates? hehe... kadang2 got that people sanggup pay for the ingredients... tapi to get up awal pagi tu yang hamba tak sanggup! hehe!

    Juvi - ko menyampai visi to Dawn suruh dia buat blog bah tu kan? hehe... welcome welcome to my blog... nama sia Dy, belum pernah jumpa ko lagi... selamat berkenalan, selalu selalu lah melawat k :)

    Jane - channel :)

  7. Dy!
    penat sy typed comment hari tu, internet conn bengong betul tis week.

    hopefully, tis one will get through..

    i still prefe Kraft's mayo tho', for the reason you gave for disliking it (its a bit sourish and not too smooth- ya.. my fav, krafts mayo w pickles). super good for egg mayo + salt n pep.

  8. Hi Togs!!! great that ur comment came through!! :)

    Matter of preference bah tu kan? Mcm if i eat the kraft that, terus my tummy churning2 kemasaman... kehkeh! Bagus jua lain2 ni.. so that laku semua brand :P should we learn how to make our own mayo then? ;)

  9. Hi, Dy.Sy Juvi...Selamat berkenalan juga..;p...
    Ya, kena rajin melawat supaya boleh tengok2 makanan yang sedap2 sbb sndiri x rajin masak...:)
    Jane, ko ckp my walk my talk ni blog dawn jadi apa lagi sy pg lah komen..ha.ha.

  10. ahaks juvi ...juvi...!

    tp tiapa kan..lepas ni ko boleh cuba juga kan recipe si dy..sebab ko kan selalu makan roti..!!
