Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When I die... Part 2

Part 2 will be for... the first night's service...

Opening Song: T’rima Kasih Tuhan ~PIC: Tracey M

Sharing of God’s word of comfort: Title: It's OK ~PIC: Guru' James C JJ

Closing Song: I’ll fly away ~PIC: Tracey M

Food: Sandwiches (egg mayo, chicken mayo, turkey ham + cheese) + coffee + tea

~Food PIC: Whoever my kengkawang oredi in Kuching :)

Trace – I have always thought that if music can convert a person, the tunes that comes from your fingers would definitely do it. There have been many a times, I’d be ready to get up and I have to sit back down and close my eyes in nearness to the Lord when you are playing an instrument. So, on these days leading up to the funeral, I’d be honoured if you can take the major part in the singing / instruments etc please… The songs are not everyday songs but I’m sure with the help of Mr. Google, you’ll find your way J [ada juak CD in my car that can help you actually – haha]. Of course you can rope in some of the BM singers to help you sing… but you’ll be the main singer ya! [you can’t kill me for this ridiculous request coz I’m already dead :P]

Guru’ James – as I’ve mentioned before, you are not only Guru’ as in Pastor – but you are also Guru’s as in my Teacher [I choked up the last time I was trying to tell you this. But I can’t choke up now – dead already. Haha]. I’m putting the title for the 3 nights sharing as “it’s OK (I'm back in Heaven), it’s not OK (if you don't have Jesus), it will be OK (When you have Jesus)” – I’ll leave it to you to figure out the details – you are after all my Rabbi :)

Kengkawan – well… it’s the first night of my departure… so you guys might not be in yet… but whoever in, tolong ya make the sandwiches… Togs, you know how I make my sandwiches kan? Thick and fat with lots vege / tomato :) Anyway... should look something like this lah that kan? These are quarters for the bread slices... something fingerish, simple and light for the first night :)


  1. sila print this out and letak dalam tin biskut...and pesan dengan noel if anything happens please open the tin hehehe...i will remind noel about it (macam lah aku hidup lama dari ko hahaha)

  2. hahahha... good idea that put in tin biskut kan jane??? I got the tin from ikea that... nice nice... kelak after habis this series I'll print out all and put in the tin... hahahah!

  3. i am in search of a balang for my selection hehe...we shud have this tin sakti that we can use to keep our will or things for the future kan?
