Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thank YOU for yet another year completed!

I dont normally do an entry for my birthday... it felt and still feels weird!! But I thought I'd do it this year, basically as introduction to next week's series *title as below*... And because most of us teda those fancy gadgets to check blogs on weekends, why not :)

Almost mid 30s... yikes!! Still a single mom at that!! *nanti I kasi cerita something ya...

However, everytime I try to thank Him for the journey so far, I choke up at mere whisper of thank you, Lord. He has been gracious and ever-loving, ever-gentle, ever-knowing, ever-protecting, ever-lasting and I know He will continue to be. I tear up at the thought of my mom bringing me into the world (and her ouchy ouch hanger spanks in younger days!!), at Dad's gentle gaze that seems to speaks a thousand words in silence, at the support and love given by both my parents, at the "I'd-come-to-your-resque-anytime-night-or-day" silent assurance from my brother, at those generous, warm, I'd-die-without hugs from precious Noel, at ever-cheering-on, ever-praying-for-you, ever-I'am-here-4-u, ever-thicker-than-blood mates...

Oh! My ungrateful heart!! There are days I'm down and low and I simply cannot understand His plans, but I am still thankful that day in, day out, His love endures forever. When life is as dull and brown as a simple chocolate chip cookies, beautiful colourful M&Ms are thrown my way!

So, yeah, Thank you Lord, for the many, many, many blessings, love and support you've thrown my way. Thank you for 32 years completed in You. Help me to hold on and race on albeit falling down, scrapping my knees, slow to get up days... Help me to complete my life, also in You.

Next week, I'll do a series called "when I die"... basically running through the possibilities of things / how things are done *not to be done* when I pass on to the pearly gates.

*cerita sedih nya begini... hari tu, masa kami pegi carolling, ada orang tanya si Noel - where is your father? I was in the kitchen. Apparently, he just left with a shrug of his fatty fatty shoulder. Then, malam tu, when we were about to sleep, he said "Mama (sometimes he addresses me as Mama as in Mandarin - it's Mama and Baba), I want Baba." I was dumbfounded. Didn't know how to reply him. So I just told him - pray that God gives you a good Baba. Wuaaa... nasib baik gelap the room - so he couldn't see my tears... The end...

Don't sedih - sedih lah Mates!!! It's my happy day today!! Ada tu nanti... but as Daniel said - but even if He doesn't provide this one, He would still be my Provider - my God and my Lord. Ya lah Tuan - do as You please.


  1. happy birthday dy...hmm...(i actually just want to stop at this cos i am dumb found....

    thanks for being a good friend and always a reminder why i should carry on living each day of my life....

    dari saya yang menurut perintah DIA.... ya dy....wish that could share a piece of cake with you today...!!

  2. we went howling "merry Christmas!" on the street instead jen..(macam street hooligans plak kan?). nah... kami p carolling bah that.

    in His time, Dy. in His time.

  3. We even had... breakfast for dinner!! hohoho.. supposed to be "healthy" dinner before the walk bah that... heheheh... :)
