Friday, December 3, 2010

The drum stick - Grissini (Thin Bread Sticks)

Part 4 of the Drum cake series

After successfully baking the big round butter cookie for the cymbals, the "genius" in me thought - hmmmm... perhaps I can make the drumstick using this dough as well! So shaped a pair.

Happy that they came out beautifully, I went to bed for the night. The next morning, I woke up to check on them - lo and behold! It snapped into 2 upon my touch!!! BOOHOO!!!! So before I went to work, I quickly shaped another 3 pairs, mom were to put them into the oven. Then at about 10am, mom texted me saying those too broke!!

Gosh, it was already Friday and I had limited time so putting my thinking cap, I tried to think of something else. Then I remembered seeing some hard bread sticks at a bakery and Mr. Google helped by giving me this. I happily copied the recipe; but really unsure if I have the time to bake these extra at all! Worst case, I could just rush out to the supermarket to get some Pretz, tie them together and make a pair of stick.

Well, in the midst of other things needed to be done, I thought to myself, I'll just give the recipe a try and see if I can come up with something from my own kitchen. Thank God, the sticks came out perfectly hard so I won't have to worry about it breaking. Now, truth be told, I have never tasted any bread stick before, so I have absolutely no benchmark when it comes to the taste. It's supposed to be topped with cheese or salt or herbs but I made them plain. I will probably bake this again (with the proper toppings of course), when I've got extra time in my hands.

Note: Apparently, these goes well with the chocolate ganache :)

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