Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Going deeper into the river... Murud Song

He is there waiting for each of us... Are we ready to surrender everything?  

Yeah.... I have a problem with that too... Hang in there mates.  He will give us strength!  Slowly,, ankle deep, knee deep, waist deep, over the head deep!


  1. should I learn to float? hehehe...miss you so much ooo...haven't find time to update with you..

  2. aku pun rindu giler eh ngan kau...

  3. the point is to stay above the water. with all our daily and worldly burdens, we'll forever jalan2 ankle deep (or if there's any water at all). never to know the joy of fullness, of floating!

    ya jen, lets learn floating, or better yet, swimming carelessly!

  4. remember going water rafting...and had to float despite the heavy flow of the river...maybe life should be like that.. just letting go and having faith smua berlaku dalam jagaan Dia...!!

  5. terlampau berhati2 bah we this kan? mcm pandai. hehe.
