Monday, August 10, 2015

Overnight Oats

Here's my latest craze / obsession - Overnight Oats... These are basically, well, oats that are left in the fridge overnight.
Oats ready to soak all the calcium goodness overnight
 There are many "basic" recipe for these.  But mine will be in the ratio of 1 : 1 : 1 (Oats : Milk : Yogurt)

I normally make as below, for a portion of 2 (one for me and one for Noel),  If you don't have any "cup", just use the yogurt cup to measure because the yogurt is 1/2 cup as it is.

1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup yogurt
Note: for yogurt, I think the healthy freaks will use greek yogurt or regular ones, but for taste, and because I am not a fan of plain yogurt, I use the fruity ones; so called far free but still loads of calorie :)  The ones that I use is like the photo above - Nestle.

You will need Rolled Oats to make these - not the instant type as that will turn your oats mushy when left in the fridge overnight. 
Overnight oats with raisins topped with peaches
After being left overnight, the oats would have soaked up all the yummy goodness from the milk and the yogurt while still having a bite to them.  Then, in the morning, you can just top it with anything you like.  Noel likes peaches in his.

Topped with apple and walnuts with a dash of cinnamon
I like apple, walnuts with a dash of cinnamon with mine.

Yummy messy gooey goodness
 If you want to put in any dried fruit, like raisin, you can put it together the night before.  This is so that the oats have time to absorb the sweetness of the raisins and so that you will have plump raisins by morning.

80% burnt cashews
You can top it up with good fat like nuts, sunflower seeds etc as well.  I tried to roast my nuts, but have never succeeded to do so without making them burnt!  But since these are normally so pricey, I will just have to swallow them :) 

85% burnt walnuts
 There's so many varieties of toppings really.  And when you are lazy, you just can eat it as it is because it is really good as it is :)

200% burnt mix nuts!