Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Worth a thousand words - Murud

Uploading this, because my heart still aches to be there, uninhibited in His presence.  And because, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Lunch Day 1:  We had a picnic outside, because the sun came out.  But, the wind.  Oh, my.  So strong, it almost blew us away.  But we braved it up - just because.  *I love my new super heavy duty (and just plain heavy) green poncho*
Afternoon day 2 - we spent the afternoon in this beautiful homely house, listening, swallowing up all the lessons we can from a very wise, humble man
Some see this a clutter, but I see warmth, generosity, hospitality beyond compare.  The daughter of that humble man, came up with her cousin, to take over their mother's duty to cook and provide for their guest because they were too old to climb up the mountain.  She said, each year, she would say no, she will not climb up anymore, but without fail, she climbs up anyway.  I didn't question why.
People came and went that whole afternoon, each taking his fill of the richness of what was so freely given out.  Look at the rack on the wall.  Full of food - people just come and "deposit" their food on this rack - to be shared with everyone who comes to the house. Home owners called it their personal 7-11.
Alie - she was really good at blowing the shofar *ram's horn
Porter's slip - yes, they were that professional, but they did not chase after you to pay immediately.  You are after all, stuck on the mountain top for 3 days.  This amount if for.... I can't remember - I think a few bags + a box of food.  RM4/kg
Driver's slip - even more "professional", written behind a 4D slip. [Kantoi si Uncle :)] This amount is for the 5 of us.
Flight home.  When I realized I left most of my being in BKM / Murud.


  1. somehow my eyes became teary and heart was wavering when I read this post and I don't know why...maybe it's just my heart longing for a retreat away from the busyness of this world that I am in....!! thanks am bless because you went there!!

  2. It was a wonderful retreat from the world really. Jum kita pegi next year k :) Next year no need naik gunung, just at the kampung. Reserve one week holiday - we go on 16th July till 21st July. (Convention will be from 17th - 20th). Welcome to stay longer of course :)
