Monday, September 3, 2012

Merdeka weekend 2012

I had plans... grand, wonderfully exciting plans for this weekend.  I thought of taking the family for a picnic, bbq at the riverside, yada yada yada....  But, my body had other plans.  Plans of just lazying around and resting (what a queer word!).

Nasi Lemak and all it's condiments (yes, we had veg too!)

So I managed a sleep in on Friday and had actually plan to bake pizza for lunch.  But when I woke up, the spirit of being a Malaysian - it being Merdeka; our Nation's Independence (let's not get into the arguement if or if it's not our Independence Day; what matters most is that we all had a public holiday!) prompted me to cook one of the best known "National" food if you may - Nasi Lemak.  And we had it Nasi Lemak berlauk style - with Chicken Rendang for the adults and Fried Chicken for the kids.

That night, we were invited to a "prayer & dinner" gathering by my cousin (so no cooking! yeay!) - Birthday & Thanksgiving dinner for the eldest daughter going off to study in UK.  How much does her study cost?  2012 - the rate will be RM0.5 million. KILL.ME.ALREADY.  What would the cost be in 2020?  Local Uni jak lah Wel.

The Brocolli Pizza - half laden with Cheese - just to show how "healthy" it was - before the cheese!
Saturday morning, had another sleep in (BLISS!!), woke up to Mom's porridge.  Had to cook some vegetables and had a late breakfast - more like lunch that is.  Then for dinner, since Noel is now trying to have vegetable only for dinner, we had Brocolli Pizza!  Kills 2 bird with 1 stone - our craving for homemade pizza satisfied - and we had a "healthy" vegetarian dinner.  I simply threw in lots of brocolli (raw), plum tomatoes (varient), and pineapple.  Yums!!
Brocolli Pizza - yes, I skimped on the cheese! Cheapskate!
In all honestly, I've never heard of Brocolli Pizza, but thanks to a cartoon we watched that morning, Noel was game enough to try my version of Brocolli Pizza.  In the cartoon, this boy turned into a superhero Brocolli Boy - had a craving for Brocolli Pizza.  The things they put on the telly now! Oh well, at least it promotes eating vegetable!  I baked 2 version - one the veg version and the other, Hawaiian Ham - purposely baked for breakfast on the next day.

My version of sandwich - thin slice of turkey ham & lots veg
Sundays, normally for our family, is a time to eat out.  From breakfast, to lunch to dinner.  But this week, we had leftover pizza for breakfast and for lunch, decided on something simple and didn't require much work, time, energy and effort taken out of our Sabbath.  So we had sandwiches.  DIY - so everyone came up with their own version.  And we had salad too.
Noel's version of salad

So, yes, a good and relaxing simple Merdeka weekend we had.  Though we had lots to eat, it was with lots of greens (and other colours as well), so the guilt ain't that heavy (yeah, yeah...)

note: oh, yes, I did bake - baked a Choc Cake for the Thankgiving Dinner & Ati Parek for pleasure.  What's "resting" without baking right? :)


  1. merdeka day should fall on a friday each year kan... so we can enjoy a longer weekend..

  2. Yes it should! Plus, Malaysia day should fall on Sunday every year as well, so that we have ANOTHER long weekend!
