Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pink Ombre Cake

When I first saw this gorgeous cake, I was soooo.... in love.  It was so sweet, dreamy - just the kind that would fit into a fairy tale wedding.  But it needed a special befitting occasion to make this and since none was coming up for my side, I quickly enticed Merl (hi Merl :D) to give it a go.  Little did I know, my chance was coming up too!

A pastor invited us for his family's thanksgiving dinner and one of the reason of the dinner was to celebrater his + wife's anniv.  So I quickly grabbed the chance to make this cake!  And receiving the pix from Merl, it was a sealed deal for me!  Here goes - a series of photos - I took lots - coz it was really special and beautiful for me! :)

The different layers and shades of pink
Now stacked up together - from the darkest shade - all "glued" with Swiss Buttercream
Crumb frosted - ready for the roses to be "planted".
The beauty of this piping is that, the basic frosting layer doesn't have to be nice and smooth - perfect for lazy me!

With the white roses... I thought it looked sooo... "wedding-y" already!

And now, with the pink roses added - OH!! Even more befitting for a wedding!

I love how it looks under our fridge light :)  I left it there for a while as I needed to make a new batch of buttercream

And now.... it's completed!

And from the sides...

And from the top....
Please bear with me.... lots pix! haha

And from another angle....

Rows upon rows of sweet roses...

Looking all dreamy and sweet "resting" in the fridge

And I was glad that the Pastor's family decided to share the cake with guest present that night - not because I wanted to eat the cake - but because I wanted to take the photos of the insides!

Verdict?  I didn't use the recipe as in the link, I just used my trustworthy butter cake recipe and it turned out perfect.  Everyone expected the cake to have strawberry flavour because of the colour - but nah... didn't want flavoring in the cake.  I did (and still do) wished I had lemon at home when I was baking it though, so that there's hints of lemon.  Unfortunately, I didn't.    But it was still nice and buttery.

While piping isn't my greatest skill - but I was really happy how this one turned out.  And... I simply love having a Lazy Susan while decorating - it made life Oh! so much easier!!  Thank you Lazy Susan, you aren't that lazy after all!

The cake on my Lazy Susan... ready for frosting and deco!
I'm soooo.... glad that I made this cake.  My arms now hurts from the many hours spend piping, but it was well worth it.  This cake - like the checkerboard cake took a few days to complete (as least a couple of days), but it's great that you get to bake the cake a day ahead - so it's all settled and ready to be frosted on the next day.

Looking forward to Noel's birthday - gonna take up the Rainbow cake "fever"!

Have a great, dreamy, sweet, lovely day peeps!


  1. really nice and awesome looking cake!!

  2. Heheheh... thanks :) best make this cake. marek soooo sore my shoulder - i think it's coz of the many hours doing piping and coz i needed to hand-whisk eggs (many many times!) for the buttercream!

  3. oh! booking for my wedding cake! *wink*. i want a huge one. tidak mau bertingkat2. just a simple pretty one like this will do. waaaaah!

  4. hehehe... SET! you got it! kasi tau jak date nanti ya! Boleh pilih lagi tu apa kaler mau... i keep imagining it in shades of purple.. my oh my... :)

  5. wow! purple is not a bad choice! a mark on one task: cake by Dy...and the theme colour's chosen = purple. ahahhaha..

  6. hahaha... SET!!! Ni yang bikin excited mampos to kasi up skill ni! :)
