Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This will be the most contradicting entry I will every make (I think)!

On one hand, sadness fills my heart as the last of my grandmother's generation (the youngest sister) had passed on to Pearly Gates yesterday. There's been a lot of talks that went round saying that no one will take care of her during the Gawai break since everyone will be going back to their own kampungs. Well, she knew better and left earlier to make life easier for everyone. She's one who's got a wicked sense of humour and she still have it even in her death- her funeral will be on Gawai day. Haha. The joke is on us as now, no one have the heart to proceed with their plans of Gawai in kampung. Tabik to you Nek Su!

On the other hand, talking about Gawai, my heart leaps with joy! YAHOOOOO!!!!! Can't wait to set my Out of Office notification and be gone with all those nasty customer e-mail! YIPPIIIEEEE!!!


  1. God really has everything plan off kan every single time...!*wah the coffin..dahsyat..!

  2. this one cheeky nenek eh Dy?, i wish i'll be old and still hold onto my cheekiness.

    ? what's you new department? OMG. dont tell me you go for that riang ria bakery? (tongue in my cheek)

  3. Jane - opppsss... sorry, the earlier pix was "hiasan semata - mata" - got if from another funeral of a church member. I've replaced it with the real one :) Dei tambi... that's freezer lah... not coffin :P The real one tok pun freezer :P

    Togs - iya bah... let's hope we wont get old and grumpy! ;) aiks... bila masa plak i say new department? hehehe... get rid of my customer for a few days jak lah... kan cuti? hehehe...
