Monday, January 24, 2011

Full circle

This old man is travelling to KL alone today.

Attending a International Conference for Indigenous Studies.

Ya, he's been there more times than I have. Ya, he's a well versed man when it comes to the airlines. Ya, he was a policeman before (hutan force lagi tu) so bearing is not an issue. Ya, he never fails to amaze me for knowing which side of the elavator to come out from at hotels and the list goes on... BUT STILL..... I AM WORRIED SICK. Oh, my stomach seems to turn even at the thought of him travelling alone this time. (I cannot understand why he's gotta be super friendly to everyone... this is not the 70s!!! Ai ai....)

"Moi, dad in flt already" was his message, and I know that he knows I am worried (well, of course, after the long series of dos and don'ts I told him last night).

He'll be fine bah kan? After all, he's got The Protector with him... he'll be fine... he'll be fine... phewww...... (darn, still worried!). It has indeed come to a full circle - he and mom were the ones who used to worry about me everytime I travelled to KL. Now it's my turn.


  1. He sure will be fine mare...Pray for him. I used to tell fake story to my dad when we were in Kajang last time..i told him stories about taxi driver yg menipu (sorry ya to all taxi driver, not all are bad)..but i did it so that my dad will not going out alone...satu ayat dia saya ingat..
    "Dont worry about me, Saya lama suda berjalan.Senang saja.Saya marked saja bangunan yg tinggi dan lepas itu saya follow ke arah bangunan itu,klu sesat tanya orang.Ada mulut kita tanya la...." adeiii....saya pula kena ceramah..syukur la itu Metro Kajang high enough...haha

  2. same thing viceversa...selalu times like this baru i remember they must have been worried masa kita travel alone...masa kita drive alone...but we like ignore...hehe..i bet he'll be fine dy..

  3. hurmm..wah mcm tu kah perasaan parents? hehe full circle indeed.

  4. Thanks for worrying along with me guys :) Yeah, he should be fine. Last nite he over estimated KL - thought Midval foodcourt buka 24 hrs. Sekali he turun at 9.30, all finish already the food.

    Today at breakfast, apparently, he met some kawan - Abi's father, and some other Kelabit friends... so I can worry less dah... he's got friends.

    I guess that's how they feel when we first enter Uni - when we say we belong to a community of trusted friend - mesti they worried less kan?

  5. pong&pare: ya mcm tu lah kali durang risau bila kita travel jgn marah kalau durang risau tambah lagi korang jln dengan org kuat minum wakakakkaa...
    Dy:yeah....that's how lega they feel when they know who we hang out with...

  6. i remember muka cuak my dad when i bought, a bottle of Chivas for cik adek in Langkawi;
    B: ai.. kenapa ko beli itu?
    M: saya beli untuk kawan
    B: kawan mana?
    M: cik adek.

    hahahahhaha.. lepas tu, memang dia cop sudah si cik adek kuat minum. risau si boss.. hahahhaha..

    but then, i think he knew juga bah kita macamana

  7. Hehe... nabes trus si boss eh togs?

    but yeah, i reckon they know juga what type of people we are, so hanging out with each other is STILL a relief for them.
