Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Missing my Oven

Our oven went kaput recently... Well, not TOTALLY kaput lah... the door hinge (or something) wouldn't work, so we're not able to close the door. We've sent it to the repair man, but he said need to wait for the spare part (standard answer). As usual, it's better to just get another new unit, rather than wait and in the end, still not able to use the old one... But then again, as usual - $$ matters...

It's been about 2 weeks now, and I am severly missing this piece of equipment. My baking ulat is itching to be satisfied (and I need an outlet to steam out this stress!) and though I've steamed some marvelous cakes, it just doesn't beat the aroma of cakes / bread / rolls baking in the oven. Sigh.

Got kah oven for loan?? :(


  1. I like ur steam banana cake... so yummy! I mean seriously... I can still feel it, the taste especially that morning, when I cut it, it's still HOT! Yum! yum!

  2. thank you SO MUCH... u've been such a loyal guinea pig lar!! (not to mention loyal customer!)

    Kelak aku post the recipe k :) then u can try it too... else, whenever ulat come out - just tell me :) easy peasy to make! :) (u can also supply the banana for the cake - deal?)

  3. hey care to send over some to me too???

  4. :) wait lar u come here or i go there k... then i'll bake for bfast and tea (aside from our laksa, kolo mee, kueh chap, dim sum, etc etc etc)

  5. alalalala...no more butter cookies la tis.
    i wish i have an oven to loan. sy pny pun x function.. alallalala..

  6. FEAR NOT GENG!!! THE OVEN IS BACK!!!! :) hahahah... baru jak balik last nite... HURRAY! :)

  7. Not a prob at all juz to sponsor bananas... the return is MUCH MUCH more compare with that I contribute... hehehehehehehe...
    Let me know when, I'll contribute my "share"... wakakakkaa
