Friday, June 11, 2010

Half Empty... or Half full?

Half a year gone... what have I achieved? I was cracking my head this morning trying to think what have I achieved... NOTHING! Zilch, zero! Haha... how neh? Hmmm... what have I done with my half year?... tsk tsk... wasted life!
But I should see it also as.... I still got another half a year to make use of... still got tonnes and heaps to do! Just that I don't have the "fuel" to do things... Gosh, I'm becoming such a lazy bum!! I thought of all the "meetings" and the "improvements" that needs to be done personal and also ministry level, but... God help me, but truth be told, I'd rather spend my days at home, with Noel, watching a DVD or baking cookies & cakes, or... just lying in bed and listening to his stories.
What happened to my heart I wonder? I want to care, I want to love... and yet... my tired-ness or rather my lazyness gets in the way and becomes a priority. When I AM busy running around (which is rare), I'll moan and sigh all the way... that can't be good... tsk tsk... It won't be a surprise if I'll die alone (not that it's a plural journey) but I might turn into a bitter, lonely old woman with no friends whatsoever if I continue my selfish ways!! HoHoHo.
How this... how neh??? 11th June... I need to see this as the half full glass and put in gear 5!! (aduhmak... how to do?... move your arse D!!!)


  1. hi lazy bum!
    hahahhah... (the title should be shared)
    we (jen and me) got you a sandal from saigon. anytime you free, come lah amik. i just hope it'll muat your kaki. i remember your size 8 kan? tapi mcm kicik jak i tgk. (and we stupid aunties lupa NOEL!-matila ni!)

    i'll make sure to get him baju 'bintang' vietnam when we go back saigon. that, a promise (utk menutup rasa bersalah yg amat sangat)

    take care Dy!

  2. Hello Helloo!!!! :) So sweet of you guys neh... still lagi ingat wanna get something for me... Noel tu, takpa.. bukan he tau pun what negara what negara yet :P Thanks heaps ya (both you and jane :))!! R U working these days (soalan bonus, since school holidays means you too holiday?) :)

  3. the kids on holiday. kami org keja jua. jeles eh sama cikgu2... cuti melulu. but, you can drop by anytime la Dy. we have the 'mengular' policy. hahahhah!

  4. Hehe... ada kah mengular policy :P OKOK... kena tunggu this weekend kot... u'll be around for some time eh?

  5. SOOOOoooooo..did you get the sandle already???!!
    di measure pakai size mimi and kelebaran kaki aku...! hope it muat hahaha..!! please lah go take it from togou !!!!
