Friday, May 4, 2012

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Yeah... it's been ages since I've updated my blog... AGES.... since end of Jan, so many restrictions has been implemented in the office which also includes a block on all .blogspot sites.  Bugger.  Reason enough for me to "stop" blogging for a while eh?

 Last night, the King of this ship woke me up.  The beautiful Dawn Threader of Narnia.  He knew I was losing control of my voyage as I purposely throw myself overboard in the stormy nights (and days).

 We were out, as the calm sea was gently rolling in sweet peacefulness when suddenly He rushed to the bridge and I knew that a storm was on it's way.  Get up!! He says... Get up!!

Once in Uni days, we played a game, where we were to tape a piece of paper on our back, and people are to write positive things about us.  A very good friend of mine drew a big ship, labelled her Doulos and wrote "Setabah Doulos" on my piece of paper.  Nah... I'm never setabah Doulos, nor am I setabah Logos Hope, but one day, when I meet my King, (though He won't be this handsome bloke!) I hope, I will see Him smiling down at me and say...

That's enough fighting child... it's time for you to cross over and rest beyond the sea now....


  1. i wish it was that easy to have someone say to you the last bit that you wrote...

    but ever..KEEP ON PRESSING ON...!!

    yippey dy is walking again!!!

  2. until the day dy, press up, i'm cheering on.

  3. jum kita ramai2 keep pressing and cheering one another on!! boleh ni... bule sampai finishing line!! biar pun walk slow slow...
