Friday, April 9, 2010

Lost Monkey

It's been ages since the last update.... and I have been so lost! I am still lost!... see that monkey? I'm as lost as he is... and if I had a tail, mine would be 100x knotted than his!

Sometimes, I wish time would stop. Let me catch my breath. Let me organize... my room... my drawers... my taxes... my bills... my LIFE! It's already mid April... and I have not achieved a single thing for this year!

How is one supposed to feel, when out of their heart that's full of compasion and love, one's parents bails one out yet again... and again... and again... mau marah jak rasa... wanna tell them "KEEP OFF MY LIFE!!!!" but actually, bila kaji selidik... it's more to embarrasement... and guilt... of having to susahkan them... whereas sepatutnya... the younger ones yang supposed to jaga them already...

I'm lost. So the very lost. How this??? HOW?????

Hey Monkey! - "1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."


  1. hey there..
    dont strees up yourself. cheer up monkey! (hahaha). as little as i knew your parents, i'm sure, it actually bring them pleasure to be there for you Dy. nothing embarrassing in having some help. especially those, gladly given!

    sorry, i dont have the Picoult book you need. may i recommend other title?

  2. Heheh... baru nampak your comment... i think too much help makes one goes nuts :P the tension is less now, thank God.

    I rarely have time to read these days... but that title has capture my attention for the past month, so while noel was reading in MPH, i curi read too :)... nanti2 i'll find ways to get :) And yes, i'll take up your offer on the other titles you'd recommmend... tunggu me find time to raid your nest? ready to be visited kah sudah itu nest? :)

  3. ready apa?. the place is as bare as it could get. hahahah.. not much budget on furniture lah dy. you're welcome anytime k. the books quite banyak oredi. what with my march madness purcahase. i found e-bay really a bargain for book shopping.

    so anytime you wanna drop by, just let me know.

  4. ahhh.. lupa to inform you, i have this new blog about our recent trip to jakarta. it's still progressing. so, banyak lagi lah cerita tu, mungkin.

  5. heheh.. yeah... 33 books one go??? that is madness! :)

    Bah, nanti i koling koling when wanna go ur nest :)

    thanks for letting me know on that blog! ada jua bahan bacaan time kat ofc :)
